The Best Moves to Save on Moving Costs

Moving on is always considered good advice. But when it comes to moving on to a new home, it takes more thinking if a homeowner wants to save on moving costs. Here are some moving tips to consider before calling the movers.

Plan the budget. Calculate fixed costs (unavoidable expenses) and other extras. Fixed costs include lease termination, utility bills, closing expenses and the like. A child, a pet dog, gasoline expenses and temporary lodgings are considered extra expenses.

Select a mover. A moving company will definitely help a lot, but one can always opt to rent the moving equipment and let family and friends help out with the actual move. Those that choose to hire moving services should do a canvass of at least three or four companies.

Consider moving services. If you do choose to go with a professional mover, select the best service for your budget. Asking the movers to do the packing will cost roughly 25 percent of the total cost. The least costly is to pack everything up yourself and let the movers do the transfer. Movers can just provide the packing material, but if there is an extra budget and less time to spare, movers can do a partial or full pack.

Do some home improvement. Inspect the new home and check for needed repairs that may add to expenses. A professional cleaning service can do the sprucing up, if time is scarce. Also, consider other extra services that the family might need like an internet connection or telephone line. All of this should be added to the total moving cost.

Leave room for extra. If everything has been added up, there’s still one last thing to do before packing it all up and moving on – add 10 percent to the total costs and everything’s good to go.

When everything budget-related has been planned, then by all means, it’s time to move on. Pack up, or go and hire that moving company.

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